CDR CPE Activity Type Definitions
100 Academic Coursework
Nutrition and dietetics-related academic coursework, including distance learning, at a university accredited by a USDE recognized accrediting agency can be awarded CPEUs based on the following list. Under the activity description in your Activity Log, indicate whether the coursework was taken during a semester, trimester, or quarter. Academic coursework that qualifies for CPE credit must be started after you have become an RD or DTR and must be completed in your current recertification cycle and the course completion date shall not extend beyond the last day of the term. For those RDs or DTRs concluding a 5-year recertification cycle, the date of completion of academic coursework can be the date of notification of successful course completion. However, successful notice must be received by May 31 of the last year of the recertification cycle.
CPEUs Approved | Course taken for Credit | Course Audited |
1 semester credit hour | 15 CPEUs | 8 CPEUs |
1 trimester credit hour | 14 CPEUs | 7 CPEUs |
1 quarter credit hour | 10 CPEUs | 5 CPEUs |
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- No Maximum
Description for Activity Log
- Course Title
- College or University
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested Based on Number of Quarter, Semester or Trimester Credits Earned
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Verifiable Transcript
101 Massive Online Open Course
Time spent viewing recorded online lectures or seminars within the context of massive online open courses (MOOCS) and offered through universities accredited by a USDE recognized accrediting agency can be awarded CPEUs. You must have official verification of your participation, such as a certificate of completion that verifies that you have completed specified assignments, participatory activities, and evaluation benchmarks.
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- No Maximum
Description for Activity Log
- Course Title
- College or University
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Official Verification of Participation
One CPEU is equivalent to one contact hour
102 CE Offered by Jointly Accredited Providers
RDs and DTRs can source nutrition and dietetics-related continuing education from any Jointly Accredited Provider regardless of target profession.
Jointly Accredited Providers offer continuing education targeted to specific professions and provide Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) opportunities designed to address the professional practice gaps of the healthcare team using an educational planning process that reflects input from those healthcare professionals who make up the team. The education is designed to change the skills/strategy or performance of the healthcare team, and/or patient outcomes.
Any completed activity offered by a Jointly Accredited Provider is logged as Activity Type 102 regardless of format. CDR’s Activity Type Definitions and Content Criteria do not apply to IPCE or single profession activities offered via Jointly Accredited Providers. For example, if the activity is described as live, internet live, enduring or any other format, it is logged as Activity Type 102.
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- No Maximum
Description for Activity Log
- Program Title
- Provider
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Certificate of Completion or agenda/timing outline or Official Verification of Participation
One CPEU is equivalent to one contact hour
120 Certificate Program
Certificate Program CPE is an intensive program that may include enduring components, live web-based components, in-person training components, or a combination of the three.
Certificate Programs must:
- Meet CDR’s Core Content Criteria:
- Be offered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration or be Prior Approved for CPEUs via CDR’s Prior Approval Program.
- Include a statement that explicitly indicates the program's purpose and intended learning outcomes (i.e., an indication of the knowledge, skills, judgements and/or attitudes that a practitioner will gain by completing the program).
- Include content expert instruction and practitioner interaction and engagement.
- Include formative and summative assessments.
Formative Assessment: A type of assessment that occurs during a learning activity and monitors learning and/or helps identify learning needs.
Formative assessment may be informal or formal. For additional information, see Policy 16.0.
Summative Assessment: A type of assessment that occurs at the end of a learning activity and evaluates whether the learning objectives of an activity have been met.
Summative assessment must be formal. For additional information, see Policy 16.0.
- Have clear standards for passing the summative assessment, which are communicated to practitioners before engaging in CPE content (e.g., to pass the summative assessment, the practitioner must answer 80% of questions correctly, OR to pass the summative assessment, the practitioner must demonstrate ability to accurately recommend a malnutrition diagnosis).
- Be reviewed by at least three independent professionals (not associated with program development) with appropriate academic training, certification, and/or demonstrated expertise* in the relevant subject area. CPEU values equal the average time reported by the independent professionals to complete the program. Each independent professional must complete and sign CDR’s Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Material Subject Matter Expert Review Form.
At least one of the independent professionals must be a CDR-credentialed practitioner.
*For more on appropriate academic training, certification, and/or demonstrated expertise in the relevant subject area, see CDR’s Core Content Criteria.
Practitioners who complete a Certificate Program earn a certificate of completion and may be awarded CPEUs even if they do not pass the summative assessment. CPE Providers are responsible for awarding the correct amount of CPEUs based on whether a practitioner does or does not pass the summative assessment.
Practitioners who pass the summative assessment will not receive a professional designation but may claim to have achieved the intended learning outcomes as defined by the program’s purpose statement. Those who do not pass the summative assessment may not claim to have achieved the intended learning outcomes.
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- No Maximum
Description for Activity Log
- Program Title
- Provider
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Certificate of Completion or agenda/timing outline
One CPEU is equivalent to one contact hour
130 Exhibits (for recertification cycles ending 2025-2029 only)
For recertification cycles ending 2025-2029 only
Learning obtained from dietetics-related exhibits such as those presented at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo can be awarded CPEUs when properly documented. Exhibitors need not be listed separately but should be logged as a single entry according to the date attended. Record several exhibits in a single Activity Log entry that relate to the same Sphere/ Competency. Virtual exhibits must include interactive experiences, professional materials for review and download, live chat and engagement with vendors.
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- 15 for RDs, 10 for DTRs
Description for Activity Log
- Event
- Provider
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Certificate of Attendance/Completion or Materials Describing Exhibits (Date, Timeline, Provider, Content)
One-half (0.5) CPEU is equivalent to one-half contact hour (30 minutes)
161/162 CDR CPEU Prior Approved/CPEU Eligible Journal Club (formerly 160)
The journal club must be nutrition and dietetics-related, preplanned, provide for group participation, include three or more professionals, and include in-depth discussion of a single topic from pre-assigned articles/papers in professional, peer-reviewed journals (materials should not be older than five years). Online journal clubs, in which interactive posts by dietetics professionals are read by and responded to by dietetics professionals, are also creditable. A system or program administrator should be able to provide verification of participation in the event of an audit.
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- No Maximum
Description for Activity Log
- Program Title (Including Topic or Article)
- Provider (Hosting Organization or Coordinator)
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Certificate of Completion or agenda/timing outline
One CPEU is equivalent to one contact hour
172/173 CDR CPEU Prior Approved/CPEU Eligible Live (formerly 110,140, 150, 170, 171)
Examples of LIVE, synchronous learning include:
- in-person or virtual lectures
- seminars
- webinars
- teleseminars
- case presentations
- workshops
- culinary skills training*
- physical assessment training
- computer/technology training
Content must be nutrition and dietetics related and include a mode for learner assessment.
*Content must focus on food composition, food chemistry, alternative nutrient sources, cultural/social/economic influences, techniques to improve acceptability or compliance.
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- No Maximum
Description for Activity Log
- Program Title
- Provider
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Certificate of Completion or agenda/timing outline
- Conferences should be recorded based on supporting documentation. If the CPE Provider issued multiple certificates of completion (i.e., one for each session), practitioners should record each session as a separate activity. If the CPE Provider issued one certificate for the entire conference, practitioners should record the conference as one activity.
One CPEU is equivalent to one contact hour
175 Recorded Pre-Approved
Viewing or listening to a recording of a CDR-approved presentation can be awarded CPE credit. The recorded presentation must have been either preapproved by CDR for credit when it was presented live or offered by a CDR CPE Accredited Provider. The recording must be listened to/viewed within 3 years of the original date of the live presentation (e.g., a recording of a presentation given on September 15, 2020, could be viewed for credit through September 14, 2023.)
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- 50 for RDs, 33 for DTRs
Description for Activity Log
- Program Title
- Provider
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Certificate of Completion or agenda/timing outline
One CPEU is equivalent to one contact hour
181/182 CDR CPEU Prior Approved/CPE Eligible Posters (formerly 180)
Learning through nutrition and dietetics-related poster and e-poster sessions at professional conferences can be awarded CPEUs. Posters need not be listed separately but are logged as a single entry based on the completion date of the event.
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- 15 for RDs, 10 for DTRs
Description for Activity Log
- Program Title
- Provider
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Certificate of Completion or agenda/timing outline
One half (0.5) CPEU is equivalent to a one-half contact hour (30 minutes)
190 Professional Leadership/Precepting
Professional Leadership
Holding an elected or appointed office in a nutrition or dietetics-related national, state, district, or community organization that contributes to the acquisition of leadership skills and professional development can be awarded CPEUs. A year in the term of office (such as president) or preliminary term of office (such as president elect) must be completed during the current recertification cycle. Years of a term that concluded during a previous recertification cycle may not be claimed on the current cycle. Training on the topic of professional leadership would not qualify under this activity type. For a multi-year term, each year completed is eligible for 3 CPEUs. Concurrent positions may be held and claimed towards the maximum CPEUs.
Description for Activity Log
- Title (Elected or Appointed Position)
- Provider (Nutrition or dietetics-related national, state, district, or community organization)
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Letter documenting election or appointment.
Learning acquired while serving as a preceptor for dietetics students in an Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) accredited dietetics program may be awarded CPEUs. Note: For example, precepting for other programs/ students such as Certified Dietary Managers does not qualify for CPEUs. ACEND defines a preceptor as a practitioner who serves as faculty for students/interns during supervised practice by overseeing practical experiences, providing one-on-one training, and modeling professional behaviors and values. To receive CPEU credit:
The precepting must have been completed during the current recertification cycle. The preceptor must complete the Preceptor Confirmation Form provided by the program director. The form must be signed and dated by the ACEND accredited program director. The form should be retained by the preceptor as documentation to be submitted to CDR if audited.
Description for Activity Log
- Program Title (indicate: Preceptor)
- Provider (ACEND accredited dietetics program)
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Completed Preceptor Verification and Self-Reflection Form
Maximum CPEUs per 5 years for Activity Type 190 (Professional Leadership + Precepting)
- 15 for RDs, 10 for DTRs
- Maximum CPEUs per year for Professional Leadership
- 3 for RDs, 3 for DTRs
- Maximum CPEUs per year for Precepting
- 3 for RDs, 3 for DTRs
- Maximum CPEUs per year for Professional Leadership
Precepting CPEU Conversion
- 1-25 hours = 1 CPEU
- 26-50 hours = 2 CPEUs
- 51+ hours = 3 CPEUs
191 Expert Work
Participation in dietetics-related activities, where a practitioner acts as an expert to advance their knowledge, skills, and abilities as defined in the Essential Practice Competencies, is eligible for CPEUs.
Activities may include (but are not limited to):
- Authorship of a scientific publication (journal article, textbook, nonfiction book, other)
- Course development
- Grant writing
- Item writing
- Peer review of a journal article
- Presenting
- Teaching
To claim CPEUs for such activities, the practitioner must complete and retain the Expert Work Attestation Form.
The Expert Work Attestation Form will be requested by CDR in the event of audit.
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- 15 for RDs, 10 for DTRs
Description for Activity Log
- Activity participated in
- Sponsoring/funding institution
- Date activity completed
- CPEUs requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Expert Work Attestation Form
One CPEU is equivalent to one contact hour
192 Topic-Specific CPE Required for Licensure
Some state licensing boards require that practitioners complete CPE related to specific topics. If this CPE does not otherwise conform to a CDR activity type definition, it may be claimed for CPEUs as Topic-Specific CPE
Required for Licensure.
Activity topics may include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Cultural competency
- Human trafficking
- Identifying and reporting child and dependent adult abuse
- Implicit bias training
- Jurisprudence
- Sexual harassment prevention
Note: CDR cannot answer questions related to state licensure requirements. Please direct questions related to state licensure requirements to the relevant state.
For additional information, visit
Activity Log documentation must include state for which the activity is a requirement and the name of the activity Provider (include both under “Provider”).
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- No Maximum
Description for Activity Log
- Program title
- State for which the activity is a requirement
- Provider
- Date activity completed
- CPEUs requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Certificate of Completion or agenda/timing outline
- Provider contact information
One CPEU is equivalent to one contact hour
200 Professional Reading
Reading peer-reviewed, dietetics-related articles from professional journals and professional newsletters can be awarded CPE credit. Online journals are acceptable in this category. Articles in professional newsletters must be identified as peer reviewed. The article must be read within 5 years of the date the article was published. Include the journal reference/citation in the activity description.
A peer-reviewed journal has the following characteristics:
- It is usually published by professional organizations and societies.
- Its primary purpose is to report original research or review articles.
- Editorial board is listed in the front of the journal or newsletter.
- Articles include an author byline.
- It includes cited references and charts/graphs/photos that impart information.
A journal is likely not peer-reviewed if its primary purpose is to report on trends/concerns in an industry or to provide practical “how-to” articles. If you are unsure as to whether a particular journal or newsletter article is peer reviewed, you may obtain written verification from the issuing organization or a reference librarian.
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- 35 CPEUs for RDs, 30 CPEUs for DTRs
Description for Activity Log
- Journal or Newsletter Citation
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Copy of Abstract or First Page of Article
Reading one article is equivalent to one-half (0.5) CPEU
205 Research
Conducting primary research as a sole, principal, or co-investigator can be awarded CPEUs. An investigator is defined as one who participates substantially in the conception and design of the work and the analysis of data as well as in the writing of the report. Primary research as outlined in the Evidence Analysis Library includes:
- Randomized Controlled Trials
- Cluster Randomized Trial
- Randomized Crossover Trial
- Prospective Cohort Study
- Retrospective Cohort Study
- Non-Randomized Controlled Trial
- Non-Randomized Crossover Trial
- Case-Control Study
- Time Series Study
- Reliability Study
- Non-Controlled Trial
- Case Study or Case Series
- Other Descriptive Study
- Cross-Sectional Study
- Trend Study
- Before-After Study
Systematic reviews with or without meta-analyses are also considered research for this activity type
The research must have been conducted after the investigator has become an RDN or RD, or NDTR or DTR. Research completed to fulfill academic requirements would receive credit as 100: Academic Coursework, while reading reviews designed primarily to summarize the findings of others would receive credit under 200: Professional Reading. However, completing a meta-analysis that identifies new trends or ideas based on data from other studies would be awarded CPEUs in the Research category. Required documentation must be completed within the current recertification cycle to receive credit.
Level of Involvement Description CPEUs Awarded
- Principal Investigator
- One who is in charge of the study concept, research design, analysis of data and writing of the report
- 20 CPEUs per study
- One who is in charge of the study concept, research design, analysis of data and writing of the report
- Co-Investigator
- One who participates substantially in the conception and design of the work, analysis of data and writing of the report
- 10 CPEUs per study
- One who participates substantially in the conception and design of the work, analysis of data and writing of the report
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- 60 for RDs, 40 for DTRs
Description for Activity Log
- Title of Study
- Sponsoring/funding institution Identification as principle or co-investigator
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Information about how the research was funded and/or about the organization(s)/institution(s) that sponsored the research
- A report describing the research that includes an introduction, statement of purpose, methodology, discussion of results, summary, and references
- One or more of the following, which must have been completed or obtained within the current recertification cycle.
- A final summary or technical report to federal, state, or other grant-providing organization about the research
- A letter verifying acceptance of the manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal
- A copy of the published manuscript in a peer-reviewed journal
- A letter verifying acceptance of the research for presentation or poster session at a peer-reviewed professional association conference
210 Residency or Fellowship Program
Programs require completion of a dietetics-related, post-baccalaureate-level residency or fellowship activity with a minimum of 75 contact hours for RDNs or RDs or 50 contact hours for NDTRs or DTRs. Program experience must take place after the practitioner has become an RDN or RD, or NDTR or DTR and must meet all of the following criteria:
- At the post-baccalaureate level and is dietetics related.
- Offers formalized/structured experiences.
- Sponsored by a university accredited by a USDE recognized accrediting agency or an institution accredited/approved by The Joint Commission or NCQA.
- Completed within the current 5-year recertification cycle.
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- No Maximum
Description for Activity Log
- Residency/ Fellowship
- Provider
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Certificate of Completion or agenda/timing outline
Completion of the program provides 75 CPEUs
220 Mentorship Recipient (formerly Sponsored Independent Learning)
Mentorships are nutrition and dietetics related as outlined in Essential Practice Competencies.
Before beginning a mentorship, the learner first contracts with an individual who is an expert in a particular area using Mentorship Recipient Contract available here. Within the contract, describe the demonstrable learning outcomes (skills, knowledge, judgment, or attitude) expected upon completion. The learning outcomes must be measurable or observable and clearly stated. Describe the resources/activities utilized.
Please note that the mentorship activity is not an available route for logging CDR-approved or non-approved certifications or certificate programs (see 260-651: Certifications and 120: Certificate Programs).
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- 50 for RDs, 35 for DTRs
Description for Activity Log
- Activity Title (Area of Learning)
- Provider (Mentor Name)
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Signed Mentorship Contract
One CPEU is equivalent to two contact hours
231/232 CDR CPEU Prior Approved/CPEU Eligible Study Group (formerly 230)
Study groups must be nutrition and dietetics-related, preplanned, provide for group participation, include three or more professionals, include in-depth study of a specific topic, and be based on an active (non-expired) CDR CPEU Prior Approved activity located in CDR’s Continuing Professional Education Database.
Note: The study group coordinator is responsible for attaining any applicable copyright or trademark permissions from the CPE provider for CPE activities utilized within the context of a study group
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- 50 for RDs, 35 for DTRs
Description for Activity Log
- Program Title/ Topic
- Provider (Hosting Organization or Coordinator)
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Certificate of Completion or agenda/timing outline
One CPEU is equivalent to one contact hour
260-651 Certifications
The following Certifications are available for CPEU credit based on successful application to CDR by the organization responsible for administering the certification. Learners may not apply nor will credit be awarded for certifications which do not appear in the list below.
For approval, the program must be nutrition and dietetics related, must require candidates to meet eligibility requirements and pass an examination to become certified initially, and must require certificants to recertify by passing an exam or by continuing professional education depending on the certification requirements/options.
Eligibility for CPE credit in a given cycle is based on date of notification of successfully meeting certification or recertification requirements. CPEUs can be awarded for qualifying certifications earned during the current 5-year recertification cycle and up to 6 months before your current recertification cycle. The date of completion of the certification can be either the date of notification of successful completion of the requirements for certification or the date of the examination required for certification.
Note: Certifications (Activity Types 260-651) cannot be used to satisfy the ethics or health equity requirement.
Activity Number | Organization | Certification | CPEUs |
500 | AAFCS | Certified in Family and Consumer Sciences (CFCS) | 40 |
490 | ACCL | Clinical Lipid Specialist (CLS) | 40 |
515 | ACE | Certified Medical Exercise Specialist (CMES) | 40 |
516 | ACE | Certified Group Fitness Instructor (CGFI) | 25 |
517 | ACE | Certified Health Coach (CHC) | 25 |
518 | ACE | Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) | 25 |
529 | ACSM | Certified Personal Trainer (ACSM-CPT) | 25 |
530 | ACSM | Certified Exercise Physiologist (ASCM-EP) | 40 |
532 | ACSM | Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist (ASCM-CEP) | 50 |
260 | ADCES | Board Certified Advanced Diabetes Management (initial exam) (BC-ADM) | 75 |
480 | ADCES | Board Certified Advanced Diabetes Management (recertification by CPE) (BC-ADM) | 50 |
460 | CBDCE | Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (initial exam or recertification by exam) (CDCES) | 75 |
635 | CBDCE | Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (recertification by CPE) (CDCES) | 50 |
462 | CDECB | Canadian Board Certified Diabetes Educator (initial exam or recertification by exam) (CDE) | 75 |
637 | CDECB | Canadian Board Certified Diabetes Educator (recertification by CPE) (CDE) | 50 |
330 | CDR | Advanced Practice Board Certification in Clinical Nutrition (RD-AP or RDN-AP) | 75 |
335 | CDR | Board Certification as a Specialist in Gerontological Nutrition (CSG) | 75 |
336 | CDR | Board Certification as a Specialist in Obesity and Weight Management (CSOWM) | 75 |
337 | CDR | Board Certification as a Specialist in Oncology Nutrition (CSO) | 75 |
340 | CDR | Board Certification as a Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition (CSP) | 75 |
360 | CDR | Board Certification as a Specialist in Pediatric Critical Care Nutrition (CSPCC) | 75 |
380 | CDR | Board Certification as a Specialist in Renal Nutrition (CSR) | 75 |
385 | CDR | Board Certification as a Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD) | 75 |
600 | HQCB | Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ) | 25 |
550 | IAEDP* | Certified Eating Disorders Specialist (initial exam) | 75 |
551 | IAEDP* | Certified Eating Disorders Specialist (recertification by CPE) (CEDS) | 50 |
420 | IBLCE | International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) | 50 |
560 | IFT | Certified Food Science (CFS) | 50 |
620 | NAFEM | Certified Foodservice Professional (DTRs only) (CFSP) | 40 |
625 | NASM | Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) | 25 |
386 | NAWCO | Nutrition Wound Care Certified (initial exam or recertification by exam) (NWCC) | 75 |
387 | NAWCO | Nutrition Wound Care Certified (recertification by CPE) (NWCC) | 50 |
630 | NBCC | National Certified Counselor (NCC) | 50 |
300 | NBNSC | Certified Nutrition Support Clinician (CNSC) | 75 |
640 | NCHEC | Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) | 40 |
465 | NCSF | Certified Personal Trainer (initial exam or recertification by exam) (CPT) | 25 |
645 | NCSF | Certified Personal Trainer (recertification by CPE) (CPT) | 25 |
647 | NESTA | Certified Personal Fitness Trainer | 25 |
650 | NSCA | Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) | 40 |
651 | NSCA | Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) | 25 |
545 | SNA | School Nutrition Specialist (SNS) | 40 |
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- No Maximum
Description for Activity Log
- Certification Obtained
- Provider
- Date of Notification
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Copy of document verifying date of issue and duration of certification
741 CDR CPEU Prior Approved Enduring (formerly self-study 700, 710, 720, 730, 740)
A self-paced activity that endures over a 3-year approval lifespan and includes a mode for learner assessment. Examples may include but are not limited to online interactive education modules, recorded presentations, printed materials, or podcasts. Examples may include but are not limited to online interactive educational modules, recorded presentations, printed materials, or podcasts.
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- No Maximum
Description for Activity Log
- Program Title
- Provider
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Certificate of Completion or agenda/timing outline
One CPEU is equivalent to one contact hour
742 CPEU Eligible Enduring (formerly self-study 700, 710, 720, 730, 740)
CDR accepts enduring activities from CPE providers accredited by CDR-approved organizations listed below. Enduring CPE is a self-paced activity that endures over a specified time and includes a mode for learner assessment. Examples may include but are not limited to online interactive educational modules, recorded presentations, printed materials, and/or podcasts. Examples may include but are not limited to online interactive educational modules, recorded presentations, printed materials, and/or podcasts.
Enduring materials approved by the following organizations are currently accepted:
- AAFP American Academy of Family Physicians
- AANP American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
- AAPA American Academy of Physician Assistants
- ACCME Organizations accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
- ACPE Organizations accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education
- ANCC American Nurses Credentialing Center
- APA American Psychiatric Association
- APA American Psychological Association
- APHA American Public Health Association
Maximum CPEUs per 5 Years
- No Maximum
Description for Activity Log
- Program Title
- Provider
- Date Completed
- CPEUs Requested
Audit Documentation to Retain
- Certificate of Completion or agenda/timing outline
One CPEU is equivalent to one contact hour